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Kreetta Jarvenpaa: Capturing Floral Beauty Through Art

Kreetta Järvenpää, a talented photographer and artist hailing from the enchanting city of Helsinki, Finland, is a true artisan and aesthete. With a passion for capturing the timeless beauty of flowers and plants, she crafts contemporary floral fantasies that draw inspiration from the illustrious Dutch Golden Age.

Born in 1974 in Finland, Kreetta Järvenpää has cultivated her artistic prowess and earned an MA degree from the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland. Her journey into the world of photography and artistry has been a captivating one. Since 2017, she has been enchanting audiences with her photographic exhibitions, leaving an indelible mark in the art world.

Kreetta Järvenpää’s work has been widely recognized and celebrated. Her photographs have graced the pages of prestigious publications such as Rum Ute, Financial Times HTSI, Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, Asun magazine, and Orlando magazine. Her unique approach to floral photography has captured the imagination of art enthusiasts and connoisseurs around the globe.

Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa

Flowers, to Kreetta Järvenpää, are not just subjects; they are her materials, imbued with expressive qualities that evolve with the passage of time. Since 2016, she has been crafting intricate floral arrangements and capturing them through her lens. Her creative process is meticulous, with every detail painstakingly perfected before the final shot is taken. Her goal is to transcend the boundaries of traditional photography, rendering her works as captivating floral fantasies that transport viewers into a world of exquisite beauty.

Interestingly, Kreetta’s artistic journey took an unexpected turn. In her younger years, she vowed never to work with plants or gardens, associating them strongly with her mother. However, destiny had other plans. Two decades after her mother’s passing, Kreetta felt an irresistible pull towards flowers and abstract painting. It was as if a door had swung open, revealing the artistic inheritance she had received. Flowers, once symbols of her mother, now became a medium through which she could forge her own connection to the world of art.

Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa

Kreetta Järvenpää cherishes the freedom to shape her own reality through her artistry. Time and reality hold no sway over her creative process. Her works exist in a timeless realm, capturing the ephemeral beauty of changing and decaying flowers, preserving them for eternity. She approaches her craft with an ecological consciousness, carefully selecting her flowers and striving to work in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Every aspect of her art is a reflection of her unique spirit. Kreetta paints her own backdrops and meticulously constructs her arrangements in a workspace graced by the presence of an orange tree. This tree, a living connection to her mother, sprouted from a single orange seed that her mother had purchased from a grocery store in 1965. It stands as a poignant symbol of continuity and legacy.

Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa
Keetta Jarvenpaa. Artist, floral art photographer.
Keetta Jarvenpaa

Kreetta Järvenpää’s artistic odyssey is a journey through the language of flowers—a language that transcends spoken words and speaks directly to the heart. Her artistry invites us to appreciate the beauty in transience, the elegance in decay, and the timeless allure of nature’s creations.

In Kreetta’s world, each photograph is a portal to a serene sanctuary, where the ephemeral becomes eternal, and where the language of flowers tells stories of beauty, love, and connection.

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© 10.09.2023 - Written with love by: handmadiaworld.com